Lawn Mower Winterization Steps

Lawn Mower Winterization Steps

November 30, 2023 | Maintenance | By: Martin's Outdoor Power Equipment


Time to set aside your lawn mower for the winter? Before placing your lawn mower in storage, make sure to winterize it! This quick and easy process will maximize the performance and longevity of your mower. Read on for instructions on how to winterize your lawn mower, and feel free to contact us with any questions. Martin’s Outdoor Power Equipment is your destination for lawn mowers and more in Seneca Falls, Geneva, and Twin Pines, NY.

Taking Out the Spark Plug

First things first: always remove the spark plug from your lawn mower before performing any maintenance tasks. This is an important safety precaution that will prevent your lawn mower from accidentally starting up during the winterization process.

Draining the Fuel System (or Using a Fuel Stabilizer)

Gasoline breaks down over time, and degraded gasoline can damage the fuel system in your lawn mower. There are two ways to prevent this: you can either drain the fuel system before storing your mower for the winter, or use a fuel stabilizer. Fuel stabilizer will preserve the gasoline in the fuel system and protect your lawn mower from wear and tear.

Removing the Cutting Blade

Be sure to wear sturdy work gloves when removing the cutting blade from your mower. Removing the blade will give you access to the underside of the mower for easier cleaning and maintenance. Meanwhile, it also gives you a chance to examine the blade. If the blade is warped, chipped, or otherwise damaged, you should get a replacement blade.

Cleaning or Replacing the Air Filter

If your lawn mower has a paper air filter, be sure to replace it with a new one before storing your mower. If your mower has an oil-soaked sponge filter, you will need to clean the filter with soap and water. While you’re at it, make sure the cooling fins are clean by removing dirt and debris with a small, thin object, like a flathead screwdriver.

Cleaning the Exterior

Finally, give the exterior of your lawn mower a thorough cleaning, including the deck and undercarriage. You can use a wire brush or a putty knife to remove any stubborn dirt. Pay close attention to small crevices that can trap debris, and clear any debris from the discharge chute.

Taking all these steps will ensure your lawn mower is ready for action when spring rolls back around. If you need more advice on lawn mower maintenance, you are always welcome to consult the experts here at Martin’s Outdoor Power Equipment! We proudly serve those in Seneca Falls, Geneva, and Twin Pines, NY.

Lawn mowerMaintenanceMowerWinterization